Facts are empowering.

Free, confidential pregnancy tests, limited ultrasounds and pregnancy resources for women in the Birmingham area.

HC BrandmarkBirmingham Women’s Center

Before. During. After. We’re here for you.

her choice birmingham early pregnancy symptoms 1793

Early Symptoms of Pregnancy

Wondering if you’re pregnant? Read about early pregnancy symptoms.

her choice birmingham early pregnancy symptoms r5ac

Abortion Explained

Considering an at-home abortion? Know the risks and side-effects.

Young female feels concerned about her pregnancy symptoms and unplanned pregnancy

Your Pregnancy Options

Know your options, from confirming your pregnancy to every step after.

Take the first abortion pill, but change your mind? Immediately call (877) 558-0333.

Get a Free Pregnancy Test

Our trained and caring staff is here to help you.

Pregnancy symptoms, such as a missed period or tender breasts, differ from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy; however, one of the most significant pregnancy symptoms is a delayed or missed menstrual cycle. If you think you may be pregnant, please contact us for an appointment to receive a free and confidential pregnancy test.

Verify Your Pregnancy with a Free Ultrasound

A positive pregnancy test is a pretty good indication that you are pregnant, yet a free ultrasound can verify pregnancy. The free verification ultrasound exam performed at Her Choice Birmingham Women’s Center will determine the following:

  • Verify pregnancy
  • Determine gestational age

Our free ultrasound examinations will be provided for qualifying patients by our trained sonographers with test results reviewed and confirmed by physician oversight. Please contact us for an appointment to receive a free and confidential ultrasound.

Our trained and caring staff are here to help you. Among our associates are two doctors and two registered nurses.

Before. During. After. We’re here for you.

Pregnancy Support

You’re not alone.

Her Choice Birmingham offers a lot of free resources like pregnancy counseling, pregnancy options education, child birth classes, parenting skills, and post-abortion recovery groups so you never have to feel alone or overwhelmed before, during, or after your pregnancy.

Support After Abortion

For some, abortion is a physically and emotionally difficult journey. It doesn’t need to lead to quiet suffering, though.

Emotional support and help is available to women and men who have been affected by an abortion experience.

HCB Mark 887f6e
To schedule a free appointment:

Call (205) 252-0706

Text (205) 252-0706
or fill out our online appointment form.

Appointments preferred. Walk-ins welcome.

After Hours: Call (800) 712-4357 (HELP) 24 hours a day.

Her Choice Birmingham Women’s Center serves the surrounding communities of Birmingham, Alabama helping women facing an unplanned pregnancy, to work through their options. We offer free and confidential pregnancy tests, limited ultrasounds, counseling, support after abortion, and parent resources for women in the Birmingham area.

Her Choice Birmingham Women's Center

A caring women's center, offering free and confidential pregnancy tests, limited ultrasounds, post-abortion recovery, counseling, and parent resources for women in the Birmingham community.

2120 7th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35233

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