
Early Symptoms of Pregnancy

While pregnancy tests and ultrasounds are the only options to determine if you’re expecting, there are additional signs and symptoms to watch for.

If you think you may be pregnant and you’re in or near Birmingham, Alabama, you can make an appointment with us for a free pregnancy test or ultrasound. We’re here for you.

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Early Symptoms

Read about early pregnancy symptoms.

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Abortion Explained

Considering an at-home abortion? Know the risks and side-effects.

Young female feels concerned about her pregnancy symptoms and unplanned pregnancy


If you need help, we’re here for you.

When Do Pregnancy Symptoms Start?

When you’re talking about the symptoms of pregnancy, a missed period is usually the first indicator of pregnancy. However, early signs can differ. Some women detect pregnancy symptoms as soon as a week after conception. Others don’t notice symptoms until their pregnancy is a few months old.

Common pregnancy symptoms include:

Woman showing pregnancy symptoms like bloating and fatigue

Missed or late periods

This may be the most common symptom of pregnancy because it occurs during any pregnancy. Menstruation does not occur during a pregnancy. However, women with irregular cycles may not realize that they’ve stopped having their periods. 

Spotting and cramping

Some women will notice spots of blood that they mistake for the start of their period, and they’ll feel cramping that they also assume is related to their cycle. In the case of a pregnancy, however, spotting and cramping can be occurring because a fertilized egg has been implanted in the uterus – which creates the pregnancy.

Vaginal discharge

You may notice a thick, milky discharge early in the pregnancy, which is occurring as vaginal walls thicken. 

Breast changes

You could feel soreness or tenderness in your breasts. The first few weeks of pregnancy could also produce other feelings of breast discomfort, such as fullness or tingling. You may also notice a darkening around your nipple.


With these changes happening in your body, don’t be surprised if you feel tired. Fatigue is also one of the common pregnancy symptoms.


Although this symptom is typically known as “morning sickness,” it does not go by a clock and can happen any time. Nausea usually occurs in the second through the eighth week of pregnancy, subsiding around the thirteenth or fourteenth week. But some women could experience nausea throughout.

You may also find that you have to urinate frequently or, on the other hand, you could be experiencing constipation. Some women experience mood swings, especially in the first trimester. This is caused by hormonal changes. Mild headaches or back pain are also possible, even dizziness and fainting.

If you have questions, or would like to have a pregnancy test, request a free appointment.

How do I know if I’m pregnant?

Everyone’s unique, but…

You can usually tell if you’re pregnant one week after missing your period. Before you miss a period, you may experience pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, exhaustion, and breast tenderness. These signs may lead you to believe you’re pregnant, but they’re not proof. Only a pregnancy test or ultrasound can determine if you are pregnant or not.

But everyone’s body chemistry is unique. As a result, early test findings may not be completely accurate. Positive findings can appear as soon as a day after a period. In contrast, positive results for another person may not appear for another week, so it’s best to test a week later if other symptoms occur or continue.

Where to get a pregnancy test?

Home pregnancy tests are affordable and accessible in pharmacies and other retailers without a prescription.

Her Choice Birmingham Women’s Center also offers an easy and accurate way to test if you’re pregnant. If you’re in or near Birmingham, Alabama, and think you may be pregnant, please contact us for an appointment to receive a free and confidential pregnancy test. We can also verify your pregnancy with an ultrasound at no cost to you. Request a free and confidential appointment now.

A pregnancy support group hang out in stairwell.

What To Do If This Is An Unplanned Pregnancy

Remember, you’re not alone.

First, remember that you’re not alone. Millions of other women experience a pregnancy each year. And our trained and caring staff is here to help you. If you have questions, are considering an abortion or adoption, or are afraid or aren’t sure you can take care of a baby, please call us at (205) 252-0706. We offer counseling, classes, and other pregnancy resources like diapers and clothing. We’re here to help you.

Have more questions? Get answers to common questions, including what to do if you’re considering abortion.

Think you’re pregnant? We’re here for you. We can help.

Young women consults with medical team about pregnancy test

Pregnancy Test

Pregnancy symptoms, such as a missed period or tender breasts, differ from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy; however, one of the most significant pregnancy symptoms is a delayed or missed menstrual cycle.

We offer free and confidential pregnancy tests at Her Choice Birmingham Women’s Center.

A young woman receives an ultrasound and sees her baby on screen

Pregnancy Ultrasound

A positive pregnancy test is a good indication that you are pregnant, yet a free ultrasound can verify pregnancy. The verification ultrasound exam performed at Her Choice Birmingham Women’s Center will verify your pregnancy and determine gestational age. Our ultrasounds are confidential and are provided free to qualifying patients.

What to do before getting abortion pills.

Support & Counseling

We understand an unexpected pregnancy, or even the concern of one, can be confusing and scary. Our counselors at Her Choice Birmingham Women’s Center are available to listen and help you with any emotions you are feeling. Counseling sessions are free and confidential.

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To schedule a free appointment:

Call (205) 252-0706

Text (205) 252-0706
or fill out our online appointment form.

Appointments preferred. Walk-ins welcome.

After Hours: Call (800) 712-4357 (HELP) 24 hours a day.

Her Choice Birmingham Women’s Center serves the surrounding communities of Birmingham, Alabama helping women facing an unplanned pregnancy, to work through their options. We offer free and confidential pregnancy tests, limited ultrasounds, counseling, support after abortion, and parent resources for women in the Birmingham area.

Her Choice Birmingham Women's Center

A caring women's center, offering free and confidential pregnancy tests, limited ultrasounds, post-abortion recovery, counseling, and parent resources for women in the Birmingham community.

2120 7th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35233

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